Examples of my user interface and game art.
There is content here from other artists as well. I added * lines to each image to help describe.
Software used: Unity, Flash, Photoshop, 3ds Max, Illustrator
Please check out more of my UI work at: GSN Casino | Mega Fame Casino
* I managed this content, and set the style guide for the buttons. Other artists created the button content, and I generated the background pattern an animation.
*I created the menu layout by working with the PM. I skinned the menu, and created the slot machine content entirely.
* I created the particle effects and HUD UI. Other artists generated the background game content.
Wizard of OZ style popup. Rendered in Photoshop and Max.
*I created the UX for this game. This includes the skinning of the UI, and the animations (all completed in Flash). The background world and objects were created by other artists.
*The UX was designed by myself and the PM. I created the skin treatment for this game (backgrounds and buttons)
* I created the UI for these game menus. The background was created by other artists.
* I generated the UI for this game. I focused on keeping the UI within a restricted color palette to help with navigation in the game.